• Hockey Banner 2

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List of 5 items.

  • Spring ID Camp Contact

    If you have any questions about the spring ID camps please reach out to our Male Hockey Coordinator James McGuigan at j.mcguigan@notredame.ca or by phone at 306-732-1268
  • U15 Male ID Camp - March 28-30

    For players born in 2011 and 2012 

    U15 ID Camp Registration

  • U18 Male ID Camp - April 19-21

    For players born between 2008 to 2010 

    Goalie spots for this camp are at capacity. We are not accepting additional applications at this time. Any interested Goalie candidates are encourage to submit an inquiry on our Admissions Page under Inquiry.

     U18 ID Camp Registration
  • U15 Female ID Camp - May 2-4

    For Female players born in 2011 to 2013 

    U15 Female ID Camp Registration
  • U18 Female ID Camp - May 2-4

    For Female players born between 2008 to 2010 

    U18 Female ID Camp Registration

Athol Murray College of Notre Dame ·

P.O. Box 100 Wilcox · SK, Canada S0G 5E0
Phone: 306-732-2080 · Fax: 306-732-4408 (Confidential) · Email: info@notredame.ca